How to Keep Your Car Cool in the Summer

When the UK is lucky enough to get warm weather, you have to make the most of it by heading to the beach, zoo, park or even to your family and friends for a bbq. However, there is one unpleasant thing that comes with this season – hot cars. Whether you’re taking a long distance family day trip, or popping round the corner to visit loved ones, a stuffy car is uncomfortable, overwhelming and sometimes dangerous. 

If you’d like some tips on how you can keep your car cool, this blog will explain what you can do to help.

Park in the shade

When you’re out and about, the best thing you can do is make sure you park in the shade – even if this means you need to park a little further away, it’ll be worth it for the drive home. When at home, if you have a garage then utilise it to store your car and keep it cool, this will ensure it is out of the way of direct sunlight and you won’t have to drive around in a hot furnace.

Use visors and covers

There’s nothing worse than getting into your car and having to hold a boiling hot steering wheel. To avoid this, purchase a car cover which sits over your dashboard, this will stop the area from becoming hot, and for a more basic solution simply place an old towel over your steering wheel and dashboard. To protect small children, it’s also worth investing in visors which stick to the car window and stop the glare from going in their face, making the ride more comfortable and stopping them from overheating.


The quickest way to cool your vehicle down is to use your car’s aircon – but remember, this will be ineffective if you have the windows open too. Always make sure your air conditioning is in good working order before summer, as you don’t want to come across any faults or repairs when you need it the most.

Ensure your car’s air conditioning is working as it should, by having a professional mechanic clean and service your system. Here at St Albans Car Clinic, our expert team are on hand to keep your car running as it should – including your air conditioning. Book your appointment today or get in touch for more details.